Friday, July 29, 2005


It is my opinion that there is no more important topic these days than terrorism. In light of the events in England the past few days, all Americans ought to be concerned for the safety of people here at home.
Charles Krauthammer, at, has some shocking statistcs from our friends across the pond. It seems that a surprisingly high number of muslims over there either agree with the terrorists, or at least sympathize with them. It seems to me, that if the truly moderate muslims in the world want to distance themselves from the cowards that blow up innocent civilians, then they need to start saying so, and in very clear terms. The longer they stay silent on the issue, the more I think that they actually agree with the thugs. As for the Fatwa recently issued in the United States, I am sceptical. Read this post at the Counterterrorizm Blog on the subject. It seems that the so called "moderate" muslims in the States want to create the illusion that they are against the attacks. I'm not so sure. They have some pretty shady connections to some of the extreme terrorist groups.
And lastly, if you have not seen the video of the soldier that was shot in the chest by the terrorist sniper, only to immediatly recover and search for a target, go here. It is truly inspirational, and thanks to Jack Army for the link, and some other updates about the story.

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