The above picture, for those who don't know, is of Prof Liviu Librescu, of Virginia Tech. He is a hero by any sense of the word. A Holocaust Survivor, he spent his last few moments on this earth holding the door to his classroom shut so that his students could escape out the window before that worthless piece of scum executed him. This man's picture should be plastered all over as a shining example of greatness.
It seems, however, that the MSM is more interested in putting up the pictures of the pond scum that wrecked so much havoc on that campus a few days ago. That is pitiful. Predictable, but pitiful. It is what that piece of crap wanted. "No Looking Backwards" has a post that you can sign up to pledge not to put the scumbag's picture on your web site, and I encourage all to do so.
I have waited awhile to comment on the events at Virginia Tech. Partially because there is so much to say that I don't know where to begin, and partially because there are others that say it so much better then I can. LCBrendan at the Anti Idiotarian Rottweiller points out what gun control laws have done to Australia here. There are those that believe that we should repeal the Second Amendment, and Emperor Misha that idiocy here.
As a cop, I can tell you that an armed public that can defend itself is a safer place to live. I don't care if there are more decent, law abiding people with guns. I don't have to worry about them. I assume everyone is armed anyway, until proven otherwise. You have an individual right to carry a firearm. Read the Second Amendment. But I will tell you this. You do NOT have an individual right to protecting from the police. There are times when we have to prioritise which call we are going to first, and you need to be able to defend yourself.
God bless the victims of the Virginian Tech Massacre, and their families.
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